Release and free any Spirits that are not aligned to be here.

This is for you if you think there may be a spirit attached to you, a family member, or the location where you live.
(There is no harm in playing these recordings if you are not sure.)

Drop your best emailĀ and receive two powerful recordingsĀ to release any earth-bound spirits.

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Recording #1: a 4 minute meditation to welcome in your team of light and get you ready to release anything that is not yours.

Recording #2Ā is a 5 minute meditation speaking directly to the earthbound spirits and supporting them in leaving.

Hi, I'm Amy!

I loveĀ supporting people to connect more deeply with theirĀ Spirit Teams so they can live their purpose and most aligned life path.

A big part ofĀ my mission is to make spirituality accessible to more people andĀ allow you to step into your own power and have more control over your own life.

This two part recording is for you to release any spirits that may be blocking you or interfering with your highest aligned life path.