Pendulums: The perfect tool to receive guidance and increase psychic abilities!

pendulum spirit guides spiritual journey

Using a pendulum is one of the absolute best ways to connect with your Spirit Team to receive messages- especially when you aren't yet able to see using your third eye or hear your guidance.

You can do so much by learning how to get your intuitive yes and no using a pendulum. For those of you, where seeing is believing, the pendulum is extra great because you can actually see the movement. 

You can use a pendulum to connect with all different types of supportive energies, however when students are getting started using a tool like this, I highly recommend connecting first with your Higher Self. It's your own energy, it feels a lot safer, and it's just a great energy to get started working with before needing to discern amongst other energies.

How to get your yes/no using a pendulum:

1.) Decide what energy you want to connect with (state that out loud.)
2.) Hold your pendulum up and ask "Please show me my yes," and see what happens.
3.) Hold your pendulum up and ask "Please show me my no," and see what happens

My yes when I use a pendulum is a diagonal right. For a lot of people, it is a clockwise circle, or it is a vertical forward and back like yes motion.

My no is a diagonal to the left. For a lot of people, the no is a counterclockwise circle or a horizontal movement.

Once you have your yes and no, you can play around and have fun with it. Try saying, "my name is ___ (your name,)" which is correct. So it would show you a yes. Or you could say, "my name is Jessica," and it would show a no. Or things like "I like cookies," "I like mushrooms." 

You can play around with fun light things at first, like, "what's most in alignment for me to eat for breakfast today?" "Is it oatmeal?" Yes or no? "Is it eggs?" Yes or no? You can also play around with different things like: What to drink? What kind of self-care practice for today? What to wear?

When you are doing this, there are three big things that are happening:

1) You are practicing connecting with your Higher Self or a specific Guide.
2) You are actually receiving guidance on your aligned life. 
3) You are practicing starting to receive the information in different ways which over time will open up new abilities.

So for example, I used to practice this with what shirt to wear every morning and what started happening is I would guess the right one first or second. As you work with the pendulum and you're working on your connection, you are also starting to receive information in different ways more easily. So as I was practicing using my pendulum, it allowed me to start receiving messages in more of a telepathic way that I wasn't receiving before.

Do you already use a pendulum? Are you wanting to deepen in more?

Grab my FREE eBook: Connect with Your Spirit Guides to support you to connect with your Spirit Guides by giving you exact words to say, four different methods to connect, and sample questions to ask once you are connected!

Want to go deeper with all of this? Click to unlock instant access to the Connect with Your Spirit Guides Workshop where you will learn more about your Spirit Team, receive energetic messages unique for you, and discover where your soul is pulling you towards next- even if you can't see with your third eye or hear your guidance telepathically!!