Tarot & Oracle Cards: The perfect tools to receive guidance and increase psychic abilities!

oracle cards spirit guides spiritual journey tarot cards

Using Tarot or Oracle cards are one of the absolute best ways to connect with your Spirit Team and receive messages- especially when you aren't yet able to see using your third eye or hear your guidance.

Using Oracle and Tarot cards can be so helpful when we are starting to receive messages from our Spirit Team because we're able to use the images and words from the cards. This lets you receive guidance a little more easily because there's something to focus on. 

When I am using a Tarot or Oracle deck (or really any spiritual tool,) I think of it like a training wheel. It is a really helpful way to practice receiving more messages, receiving more guidance and practicing the skills to unlock more of your psychic abilities. Andddd it can be super fun!

When getting started, I personally recommend connecting in with your Higher Self when you are pulling cards. I find people have an easier time and feel a lot safer because there is less fear when they're connecting with their Higher Self since it is their own energy.

How to use Tarot/Oracle Cards intuitively:

Step1: Set the intention with what energy you are connecting with to receive guidance from.

Step 2: Start shuffling (there is no wrong way to do this!)

Step 3: While you are shuffling, ask a question like "What am I most meant to know right now?"

Step 4: Stop shuffling when it feels right OR decide ahead of time that you will shuffle a certain number of times.

Step 5: Pull the top card(s).. the more you practice, the easier it will be to determine how many cards want to come out.

Step 6: Really look at your card.. What pops out to you? What symbols have a message for you? What thoughts pops into your head? How can you connect this to your life or question?

Step 7: If you are really stuck, have a look at the guidebook and see if something speaks to you in there.

Do you already use Oracle or Tarot Cards? Are you wanting to deepen in more?

Grab my FREE eBook: Connect with Your Spirit Guides to support you to connect with your Spirit Guides by giving you exact words to say, four different methods to connect, and sample questions to ask once you are connected!

Want to go deeper with all of thisClick to unlock instant access to the Connect with Your Spirit Guides Workshop where you will learn more about your Spirit Team, receive energetic messages unique for you, and discover where your soul is pulling you towards next- even if you can't see with your third eye or hear your guidance telepathically!!