Automatic Writing 101: The perfect tool to receive guidance and increase psychic abilities!

automatic writing intuitive writing spirit guides spiritual journey

Automatic Writing (also called Intuitive Writing,) is a fabulous tool for receiving messages from your Spirit Team (Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Passed Loved Ones, and Angels.)

Sometimes it can be tricky for a lot of us to receive messages in the way that we want to receive them, which is usually in our mind's eye, hearing, or knowing. Intuitive writing is a beautiful tool to practice receiving those answers because we have the tangibility of having something to write with and something to write on. It gives our conscious mind a little something to focus on so we can allow the channeled information to come in a bit more easily.

I do recommend purposely connecting with an energy and not just allowing any spirit that might be hanging around where you are to come in and give you information. I always recommend students start first with their Higher Self because it is their own energy, it feels safer, it's usually a little easier to get a stronger connection.

You can do Automatic Writing by writing or typing. I have heard people come to me and say "but I thought it only worked well if you wrote it out." And I'm here to tell you that there are no real rules! So if you are someone who has an easier time typing, typing might be easier for you to receive your messages. If you have an easier time writing, maybe writing is easier. What I would suggest is trying both and seeing which one allows you to get your conscious mind out of the way a little bit more to allow that channeled information in.

How to do Automatic Writing:

Step 1: Take a few centering breaths and get set up with a pen/paper or something to type on.

Step 2: At the top of your page write/type something like "Dear Higher Self, What am I most meant to know today?"

Step 3: See if a word, phrase, or sentence comes into your mind, if it does, write/type it out.

Step 4: If nothing is coming into your mind, continue writing the previous sentence: "Dear Higher Self, What am I most meant to know today?"

Step 5: Once any words, phrases, or sentences come through, write/type those instead.

Step 6: If no more words/thoughts are coming in, continue writing the last thing that did come in over and over until a new thought enters.

Do you already use Automatic Writing? Are you wanting to deepen in more?

Grab my FREE eBook: Connect with Your Spirit Guides to support you to connect with your Spirit Guides by giving you exact words to say, four different methods to connect, and sample questions to ask once you are connected!

Want to go deeper with all of thisClick to unlock instant access to the Connect with Your Spirit Guides Workshop where you will learn more about your Spirit Team, receive energetic messages unique for you, and discover where your soul is pulling you towards next- even if you can't see with your third eye or hear your guidance telepathically!!